Humans of Incarceration

Halim Flowers

When Halim Flowers was sentenced to life in prison at 16 years old, he had already experienced the throes of incarceration, which he characterizes as “deeply embedded in his family and community,” though his uncle’s, and his father’s stints in prison. 

Halim “never accepted prison” throughout his 22 years spent behind bars. Instead, he sought to liberate his mind through voracious reading and participation in educational and cognitive behavioral programs. Since his release in March 2019, Halim leverages his success as a returning citizen to speak out about racial injustice and to help the many people he has left behind in prison.

Now an artist, motivational speaker, author of 11 books, entrepreneur, and member of the Douglass Project Board of Directors, Halim strives to “experience the world and use creativity to give people insight into systemic discriminatory culture,” all the while, keeping kindness at the forefront.  As Halim says - and believes - Love is the Vaccine.”